A new day dawns

Confidence, self-esteem, determination, fortitude. and belief.  Many of us try so hard to grasp and hold even one of these traits to become whole.  However, we find that we are pushed down again and again.  Why do so many find their power in hurting others and enjoy wielding it over them?  These bullies will find a crack in someone’s self-esteem, and widen it, little by little.  This goes one until one is so beat down, they start to truly believe and feel what they are hearing.  We run away…  to our safe place.  The place that no one can enter, no one can ruin.  A place so special, we find the confidence and self-esteem we are lacking.  If only we can stay.  We are welcomed and loved here.  This is our soft place to land.

We have the power to change our destiny.  We are true warriors.  Yes, believe it.  sunriseWe have been fighting for our sanity most of our lives.  Take control.  Find the determination to make those difficult choices and stand by them.  Time will heal.  The newly found confidence will radiate from deep in your soul.  The confidence is seen by others who have done their time and a kinship is formed.  We form our own alliance and we share our stories, which are hauntingly similar.  We are not alone.  We are awesome in our strength and amazing in our empathy.  A new day dawns.